Archive for October, 2011

University of Detroit Mercy Varsity News article on UDM Law School Immigration Clinic

Saturday, October 29th, 2011

            Brian Zaid, a lawyer for The Sam
Bernstein Law Firm and former law clerk for the University of Detroit Mercy Law
School’s Immigration and Asylum Clinic, has been pretty happy with his life
thus far.

            In 2003, he received his bachelor’s
degree in business administration from Oakland University.

            Afterwards, he decided he wanted to
go to law school, and attended the University of Detroit Law School.

            There, he discovered the type of law
he was interested in pursuing.

            This was immigration and
naturalization law, and it all came thanks to his experience in the school’s
immigration and asylum clinic.

            “It was very helpful to my
understanding of what it meant to be a lawyer,” Zaid said. He said he was able
to get experience in the court room, and deal with clients face to face.

            Zaid explained how the clinic

            “People request asylum because of
different beliefs,” Zaid said. He said that he was able to understand as the
son of immigrants himself.

            This is where his interest grew out

            “It grew out as a result of my
families overseas,” Zaid said.

            The clinic also covers other issues
of immigrants.

            “Some are in removal proceedings,”
David Koelsch, assistant professor at the law school, said. He said that some
are also in the process of maintaining permanent legal residence, and that some
are victims of domestic violence and abuse.

            The clinic allows students to gain
hands-on experience in the court room.

            “Students represent clients before
the U.S. Immigration Court,” the description of the immigration clinic on the
law school’s website said. It said that the students also participate in cases
before the Department of Homeland Security.

            Not only do students gain court room
experience, they gain another kind of experience as well.

            “The students write briefs to the
Board of Immigration Appeals and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the sixth
circuit,” said the law school website. It said that it allows students to deal
with attorney-client relationships, ethics, and case strategy.

            The clinic is usually successful
with the services provided.

            “Very but that’s not always the most
important factor,” Koelsch said. He said that is because they take on cases
that are cutting edge, and involve novel legal theories.

            In being successful, the clinic
completes its two goals.

            “Service to the community and a
unique pedagogical experience for our law students as they transition to the
practice of law [are its goals],” Koelsch said.

            Beyond that, Koelsch remembers why
he became involved in the first place.

            Like Zaid, he finds it
intellectually stimulating but also sees the need to help others that Zaid
carries over from his experience with his immigrant parents and his families

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

Saturday, October 29th, 2011

I am definitely looking forward to seeing Tom Cruise back in the role that Tom Cruise does great in: Ethan Hunt in Mission Impossible IV!!!!

Voodoo #2 review

Saturday, October 29th, 2011

                Why Ron Marz? Why? Why
did you have to make this issue so disturbing and sexy at the same time? If you
are reading Voodoo, you know what I mean.

            The issue begins by having Priscilla
Kitaen or the alien known as Voodoo in the guise of Agent Evans having sex with
Agent Fallon. This is quite a disturbing yet interesting opening. Priscilla
starts to ponder who she is, and why earth finds what she does repulsive. She
seems to be trying to keep her identity and values as a creature as she
continually morphs into different humans. Agent Fallon eventually finds out
that it is Priscilla who she had sex with, and she pursues Kitaen. An incident
leads Fallon to a crime scene that Kitaen was involved in. Kitaen is walking on
the streets in her normal guise when she is attacked by the Black Razors. I
would hazard a guess this is who Fallon and the late Evans work for. Fallon
eventually has a showdown with Kitaen, and it ends with Fallon coming out
unscathed twice (you will have to read to find out why). Otherwise, Kitaen is
free, and it seems that she will not be having a brightest day next issue.

            This issue is a showcase of the
great partnership between writer Ron Marz and artist Sami Basri. Marz’s writing
hits the characterizations of all the characters and the story completely.
Basri’s art illustrates the sexy yet mysterious nature of the book. I must also
give props to Jessica Kholine’s colors. They work beautifully with Basri (and
partly Hendry Prasetya this issue)’s pencils. It is a fantastic book, and I
feel quite privileged to be reviewing this book. Next issue will be Kitaen real
entrance into the DC Universe, and I really am anxious to see if she comes
unscathed again out of this one!!!




Blackhawks #2 review

Saturday, October 29th, 2011

Blake is nowhere to be seen in this issue. The new Lady Blackhawk is a
completely different human being, and is as different from the previous Lady
Blackhawk in attitude as well as physical characteristics.

            This new issue starts off where the
old one essentially left off.  The
Blackhawks are on another mission, and encounter the same type of creature they
did prior which caused them so much trouble. Lady Blackhawk is leading the
mission this time around, and the strange creatures ambush them. They make it
out alive along with taking prisoner one of the creatures. It seems the
creatures are made of a nano-molecular structure which allows them to
regenerate quite easily. The strange condition of Kuniochi is followed up upon,
and it seems she has some of the nanobytes in her body which could be
potentially harmful for her. She is quarantined away from the team while her
fellow Blackhawk Irish keeps her company. Their M.I.A. Blackhawk Canada seems
to have discovered quite interesting which will keep the reader waiting until
next month.

Mike Costa continues to
deliver a great story with his modern-take on the Blackhawks. Apparently, they
will be using more aircraft than I thought. They are apparently a military unit
commissioned by the United Nations (who knew?) which will serve as an
interesting contrast from the Blackhawks from the past. Graham Nolan has some
nice layouts while Trevor McCarthy does not nice finishes to the art. The team
that is currently on this book is setting a good precedent for it, and I look
forward to seeing more of what this team continues to get themselves into.


Some great news

Saturday, October 29th, 2011

I have had a stimulus of great news recently:

I am reviewing another title for Modern Myth Media: Hawk and Dove!!!

I got picked up by a publisher for my comic scripts!!

I am about to commit to some artists for three comic projects!!!

Lastly, I am going to be writing for another site!!!

You can check out my new reviews of Voodoo and Blackhawks as I post them tonight!!

Happy Halloween!!

Thaddeus McCotter article and interview

Thursday, October 20th, 2011

Just a little note about the article and interview: Both were published by the University of Detroit Mercy’s Varsity News. However, they have currently been taken off the website along with all the articles from the previous issue which they were in. However, I have saved them, and posted them in order for you to enjoy. Please comment if you wish.

Thaddeus McCotter interview

Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

Here is my interview with Congressman McCotter.

1.) What made you decide
to run?

There is a woefully
ironic dearth of Republicans in the Republican primary. Each candidate is
searching for a niche to fill: Conservative, libertarian, or even liberal. I am
a Republican, party of Lincoln and Reagan. I decided to run because none of
these niche candidates are talking about the threat Communist China poses; they
aren’t talking about the economic deflation and credit contraction which are burying
America’s small businesses and unemployed; they aren’t talking about
restructuring the federal government for the 21st Century. I am seeking to
unite the party, to save the American Dream, and ensure America’s best days are
ahead of her.

2.) Were there any
professors at the school who inspired you?

Historical figures?

I am profoundly inspired
by the writings of Edmund Burke and Russell Kirk. Their clairvoyance concerning
potential (and inevitable) threats to liberty and the individual helped to
illuminate the left’s agenda of servitude to the state and community. Burke and
Kirk’s prescription for the protection of these most fundamental of rights–the
empowerment of sovereign, virtuous citizens–is inherent and natural to
Americans, yet still must be protected.

3.) What makes politics
interesting to you?

As a sovereign citizen,
I recognize my responsibility to safeguard the American Dream for myself, my
children and my fellow Americans. Part of that responsibility is an interest in
preserving and promoting the ideals that have made this nation great against
the forces that try to unravel them, a practice that some people call

4.) Do think you stand a
chance of winning the Republican nomination?

My resume, I am deeply
honored to say, shares remarkable similarities to the resume of the first
Republican President Abraham Lincoln: a humble mid-west lawyer turned state
representative (I was a senator), before being elected to the U.S. House of
Representatives. He then threw his hat into the ring as the distant dark-horse
to be the Republican nominee for the 1860 presidential election. I would hope
that my fellow Republicans judge the candidates based on their record and
vision of America, as they so wisely did in 1860.

If you agree with my
message, if you unite behind me, then I believe I can be elected President of
the United States. But I do not subscribe to the theory that somehow if a bunch
of people with money decide that you look good on TV, that qualifies you for
the highest office in the land and the leader of the free world.

5.) How is it best for
young people today to get involved in politics?

Read. Inform yourself
not only with current events, but the classics of Conservatism – Burke,
Madison, Kirk etc. Arm and maintain that knowledge and certainty of virtue so
you may lead America to its best days. These knowledgable young people will
always find an open-armed welcome in political campaigns and internships, as
these positions require devotion, energy and a willingness to be paid next to nothing.

6.) If elected to
President of the United States, what do intend to

differently than any
Republican nominee out there today? What sets you


Unfortunately, this
question is easy to answer. The other candidates are ignoring some of the most
important issues that we, as a nation, face. If I was privileged enough to be
elected to the Presidency of the United States, I would force the banks and
financial institutions to recapitalize on their own dime, not the taxpayers’.
Additionally, I would institute a “freedom trade” policy that would
require trade partners to eliminate currency manipulation and protect
intellectual property rights. Currency gimmicks and foreign knock-offs cannot
continue to contribute to our unemployment.

Thaddeus McCotter article

Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

Here is the old article I wrote about Thaddeus McCotter running for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.

            Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI), class
of 1987 at University of Detroit Mercy and an 8-year congressman from Livonia,
Mich., announced his candidacy for the President of the United States last

            Before he attended the University,
McCotter attended Detroit Catholic Central High School in Redford, and
graduated in 1983.  After graduation, he
set his sights on getting a B.A. in political science.

            “McCotter was a political science
major,” said Gary Lichtman, Media Relations Director at University of Detroit
Mercy. His political imprint left a mark on those he encountered at the University.

            “He was an excellent student,” Dr.
Victoria L. Mantzopoulos, Ph.D., Professor and Chair of the Departments of
Political Science and Economics, said. “He was very conservative, very ethical,
very personable, and an obvious leader,” she said. Mantzopoulos is not the only
one to think he was a bright student.

            “He had a 4.0 average,” Dr. Donald
Burkholder, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Political Science at University of
Detroit Mercy. He said McCotter was also an honors student. Beyond that,
Burkholder said the young McCotter was not very expressive in class

            “He was obviously bright but not
especially loquacious,” Burkolder said. He thought he was not very talkative in
class discussions. However, one of his former classmates disputes this claim.

            “I remember we were seniors, and we debated quite a bit,” Bob Sadler, Director of Public and Historical Relations at the Detroit Historical Society, said. “He was very smart, very sharp, and willing to express [himself] and debate,” he said. Regarding the content of the debate, Sadler cannot recall exactly.

            “It was political science,” Sadler
said. He does not remember specifically beyond that. As to his reaction to
McCotter’s announcement for his candidacy, Sadler was initially surprised.

            “I was surprised he was running for
president,” Sadler said. He initially expected McCotter to run against Senator
Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) whose senate seat would be open to a Republican challenger
come next November. As to McCotter’s chances of winning, Mantzopoulos does not
see things boding well for him.

            “Unfortunately, I believe his bid
for president is a bit premature,” Mantzopoulos said. She thinks he may need to
get more national recognition first. Another thing Mantzopoulos cites is the
political season he decided to enter into.

            “The national support, at this
point, is more about raising money than voters really knowing him,”
Mantzopoulos said. Besides her, Sadler points out something holding McCotter’s
candidacy back.

            “They do not include him,” Sadler
said. “He is not been able to be in mutual campaign events [debates],” Sadler said.

Q and A with Mark Crilley – The Varsity News – University of Detroit Mercy

Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

Q and A with Mark Crilley – The Varsity News – University of Detroit Mercy.

Check out my Q & A with Mr. Crilley, the graphic novel writer/artist from the article.

Why did you decide to become a graphic novel writer/artist?

For anyone who likes to both write and draw, comics is a natural way to go. My drawing skills are good but not great and my writing skills are good but not great. Bring them together, though, and I think I can deliver something worth looking at.


Who inspired and influenced your decision to make a career out of it?

When I was in college I studied under children’s book author/illustrator David Small. I saw that he was making a living doing what he loved and I thought it was something I’d have to try.


How did you come about to your particular writing and art styles? Any inspirations?

When I was first starting out Winsor McCay was a big influence. Later the work of Jeff Smith and Stan Sakai meant a lot to me. These days I’m looking mostly at manga, like “Full Metal Alchemist” and “Death Note.”


What advice do have for anyone who is looking to go into the same career as you?

My advice to anyone trying to get published anywhere is that you need to sit down and create a masterpiece. I call it the “Sistine Chapel ceiling” approach. You must create a piece of work so undeniably great that it simply cannot be ignored. Easy to say, and extremely hard to do, I know. But that’s what it takes to get published, now more than ever.


What do you do when you are writing/drawing? Listen to any music or podcasts?

I love music, and listen to it whenever I can. My tastes are all over the place, but the common thread is melody. A good Beatlesque tune never fails to grab me. I listen to lots of podcasts, especially film review ones like Filmspotting and the Slash Filmcast.


How did your education improve/fuel your talents and interest?

My college years were pivotal in shaping my life. They led to me not only taking myself more seriously as an illustrator but also gaining a lifelong interest in foreign travel. If I had not attended college I’d have missed out on a huge number of life experiences that made me the man I am today.

Graphic novelist has Livernois roots – The Varsity News – University of Detroit Mercy

Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

Graphic novelist has Livernois roots – The Varsity News – University of Detroit Mercy.

Check out my article I wrote with Samantha Bryan on Mark Crilley, a graphic novel writer/artist’s, visit to University of Detroit Mercy.

Graphic novelist and artist Mark Crilley credits an iconic magazine with inspiring his interest in comics.

“We must begin with Mad Magazine,” Crilley told a UDM audience Oct. 5 at the McNichols library.

Mad artist “Sergio Aragones influenced me,” he noted.

Crilley resides in Novi, Mich., with his wife Mikki and their children, but he was raised in Detroit, blocks from the university, near Livernois and Pickford.

He attended Gesu Elementary.

“I was working after school sweeping the floors at Gesu. The third floor was my location,” he said.

A 1984 graduate of University of Detroit Jesuit High School, Crilley discussed his career and offered advice to other aspiring creators at the UDM event.

“It is not so often that I get to talk exclusively about comics and graphic novels,” he said.

Crilley attended Kalamazoo College, where he majored in fine arts and met illustrator David Small.

“His children’s books influenced me,” Crilley said. He said that Small made him think of holding himself to a higher standard by trying different art styles.

Crilley traveled after college, teaching English in Asia.

“There was always a discovery of foreign culture for me,” Crilley said.

After starting in Taiwan, he moved to Japan.

“It was the birth of my comics career,” Crilley said.

While working as a teacher, he drew in his spare time.

“I was trying to come up with a tricky way I could get paid for drawing even when it was not in the job description,” he said.

Thus, he started to create comic book stories to teach his class English.

Crilley described his first comic book as a metaphor for his experience as a stranger in a strange land.

He was determined to make his next project even better.

“I made comics, and sent them to small publishers,” Crilley said.

He created the 53-page “Akiko.”

” ‘Akiko’ was critically acclaimed,” Crilley said. But sales were not strong.

The series would receive 13 Eisner nominations.

“Neil Gaiman’s agent helped me,” Crilley said. She wanted him to pitch his next project as a graphic novel.

As he approached it, he looked to develop his artistic style.

“I wanted to do it in manga style,” Crilley said.

He said he chose to use this style because of the influence Japanese manga comics were having on American youth.

As he moved onto other projects such as the supernatural romance “Miki Falls,” Crilley returned to the traditional American comic style.

” ‘Brody’s Ghost’ is for the boys,” Crilley said. He said it was more traditional, and had more “rock’em/sock’em” in it.

Students at the presentation were pleased with Crilley.

“I found the presenter very fun and interesting,” said Tyler Robichaud, a sophomore pre-dental student. “He was very informative and he showed the meaning of art through his point of view

At his UDM appearance, Crilley was asked whether graphic novels are helpful educational tools. He answered the question indirectly.

“We are not comic-book goofballs,” Crilley said of those who write comics. “We are storytellers.”